Auroville Aikido Budokan


Aikido is a martial art, which was created in the 1920s by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, a master who has been trained in traditional Japanese martial arts.

There are no competitions in Aikido; an aggressor's attack may be stopped without harming or injuring him/her.

Aikido is a path which aspires for the unity of mankind, the unification of the self with the universe, the union of Spirit and Matter.

Seen as such, and in the perspective of the integral development of the being as emphasized by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it is no wonder that Aikido has always been greatly valued in Auroville. 

Presently, a dedicated group of over 60 children, adults and teen-agers of all nationalities.


Practical info

In Auroville Since
Coach Experience
Practicing Aikido since 21 years and coaching since 8 years.
Coach Experience
Practicing Aikido since 30 years and coaching since 16 years
Assistant Coach
Murugan, John, Rita
Practice location
Dehashakti Auroville Budokan
Is the location reserved ?
Telephone 1
Telephone 2
Age / Skill limitations
Above 7 years old
Special clothing
Martial arts white kimono - model keikogi. Please ask the coach.
Required practice items
A set of aikido weapons from students of 12 years old
What does it teach you
Mental concentration, good exercise, and practical self defense. Aikido etiquette teaches good manners and self control, which may be useful later in life. Aikido falls instill balance, flexibility and the whole practice brings self-confidence.
Required attendence
regular for a minimum of twice a week
As part of our program a 3 week workshop once a year (Feb/March) led by our master Andre Palmeri, 6th Dan Aikido from Marseille, France, may be offered. Training in his dojo is possible if/when students are ready.
The popular Saturday morning classes with Cristo (8-9 and 9-10 am according to age) will most probably resume around end of September. announcement will be made.
Rs. 1,000 / year
Course / Days / Time
7 to 10-11 years old
Mon. and Wed, from 4 to 5 pm
Sat 9 am to 10 am (Sept.)

11 to 15 years old
Monday from 5 pm to 6 pm
Sat 8 am to 9 am (Sept.)

Girls from 13 can join Surya's "women class on Sunday morning 8.30 to 9.30

Open to long term guests as well.