Frequently Asked Questions

How can we contact you ?
Please write us at
Why this website?
Auroville offers more than 30 activities to children.
We wish to provide the community (especially children/parents) with an organized and simple way to become aware of what is available.
Who is the Auroville Youth Activities platform team?
Aurosylle, Elisa, Marta, Megan, Pushkar, Satyavan, Shakti
Which activities can be presented on the website?
Any Youth Activity from Auroville running on a yearly / school year basis. However, new yearly activities will be added to the website after running independently for a few months.
Is there a contribution required to be presented on the website?
No, there is no contribution required.
Why is the website so rich in photos?
The website’s aim is to talk to children, hence the visual impact is emphasized.
Can I present my activity without photos?
Photos are required to present your activity at the same level of others.
How can I enrol my child?
Contact the coach of the sport that you are interested in
Are guests welcome to join?
Kindly check with the coach of the chosen activity
How do I become one of the activity presented in the website?
If you run an activity for kids year-round (excluding summer break) you write to – explaining in a few words your activity and providing your name / phone number and mail id. You'll then be provided with a username and password to access the backend of the website and create your own page